Wednesday, June 03, 2009


I thank the Al-Mighty for releasing me from a burden that I may not be able to carry .. for the the second time.

It is this. I had a scare last week, a scare that no woman wants to face - breast cancer. And it so happens that this is the second time I had this scare. The first time was a week before Hari Raya last year. Luckily, it is just a liquified-cyst as they called it. Just a syringe with fine needle is required. I had to go through the whole process - mammogram and ultrasound. Very costly too .. but thats not the point.

And last week, felt pain and there's a small zit-like growth and it broke within 4 days. Not wanting to put in further gorry details, I did what I need to do, and for the second time I face the White Cloak Shaman. Today is the result .. I'm free - sigh - relieved. But, the good shaman also said .. you are in the border of diabetes, take care. yikes .. not so good nor so bad news.

I shall take more more more care from now on. This weak yet strong and intricately designed anatomy needs it. An office colleague provide good information on natural herbs that would help me - lemongrass tea (teh serai - used by Israelians, serious no joke) and also ginger (more for ovarian cancer actually).

I may not have the darn cancer .. but hey .. twice a scare is not to be taken lightly. I definitely do not want a third-scare which may prove to be positive instead (in medical terms .. positive results means that the patient is to be diagnosed suffering from etc. etc.)

So natural herbs and spices found abundance in this archipelago .. holds the best medicinal properties known to mankind .. though the secrets has been lost for almost 500 years now (since 1400, the circa of Malacca Empire) ... it seems to emerge again, but at all the wrong places.
We asian should not only take pride in the treasures we have .. but we need now take ownership to it .. belajar kaji kaji dan kaji ...

1 comment:

Hasnah said...

wokess..nxt time makan nasik kerabu and teh seraiiii

i likeee